Monday, August 18, 2008

I Am Thankful

I am thankful that....

  1. the ladies at park lunch asked me to come down for a head lice check today and they told me which of the children have lice.
  2. 10 yodd told me that one of those children played hide 'n seek in 6 yodd's covers and on top of 10 yo's bed last night
  3. their room is clean which meant we didn't have to shovel it out in order to get to their beds.
  4. Grandma S. offered the use of her washer and dryer next door in addition to my own.
  5. it is 74 degrees outside instead of 100 like it was a couple of days ago. It's a perfect day to run the dryer.
  6. 13 yodd's usual Monday appointment was delayed until tomorrow. I'll get to do laundry all day uninterrupted.
  7. the nearby country store reopened recently and that my younger children were willing to make a run for "mommy is stressed" food (a.k.a. chocolate and Combos).
  8. U-bake pizza exists and that it is what we normally eat for supper on Monday.

1 comment:

Eldon and Janeil Olsen said...

Great way to see the positive side of things. I'm jealous of you having your Mom live so close.
