Friday, May 21, 2010

Book 17

The Last Apprentice:
Curse of the Bane
Joseph Delaney

Okay, now I know why these are in the young adult(YA) section and not in Juvenile.  This one got a little more gruesome.  Still enjoyed reading it but thinking that maybe I shouldn't read these before bedtime.


Imagitext said...


Sweet Polly Purebred said...

Well, I was awake this morning and had nothing to do...

brenda said...

Sometimes I'm surprised at what is in both sections. As I understand, YA is for 12 and up, right? They make the 6th graders go up there to sign up for summer reading, anyway. And there are many books I would not recommend to Berkeley, let alone Sam. I still believe in pre-reading or at least getting recommendations from others. So do you recommend this series? :0)